This movie revolves around a loner and failed comedian, Arthur Fleck who struggles with forming connections and appearing socially acceptable. We see him walk the streets of Gotham with his day job as a clown, taking on side gigs and performances to earn some cash. He lives with his sick mother in a lower class apartment in hopes of one day living up to his dream of becoming a comedian.
To start, the dark themes of this movie is what makes it so compelling. This movie explores what it’s like to be the person people are so quick to judge and how society treats those that are less fortunate. We get to see the mindset of a mentally ill person who is constantly getting stepped on by society finally snap and yet, they’re the awful one. It takes on a different perspective, usually not seen before that reveals the flaws in society when it comes to someone they could care less about. The film does a great job of putting you in someone else’s shoes which makes it all the more emotionally impacting and hard hitting. The acting and visuals in this movie are also something to be praised, it really made the whole thing come together to portray a dark and interesting film.
Of course, there are still some complaints about this film. Many fans may argue with the portrayal of this character, as the original joker was meant to be mysterious with no backstory which was what made him so unique and interesting and simply adding a backstory to someone like him would only ruin that. Though it’s important to keep in mind this joker isn’t the same joker and is just an exploration and character study on a villain’s backstory. This is why many fans believe this film should have instead been its own thing and shouldn’t have been connected to the DC universe.
Overall, I believe this film deserves five stars. Despite the controversy over Joker’s portrayal, the film itself was still impactful. Its play on a villain’s backstory was nothing new but still managed to give an engaging story with a rollercoaster of emotions. This film is filled with great and intense scenes that make you think about society and its flaws as a whole. It gives you a powerful message and is able to handle its dark and mature themes in a meaningful way. All of which make this film worth checking out.