Gotham is a television show that is based on the Batman comics. For those interested in the Batman comics, Gotham would be different due to the story. The plot revolves around Jim Gordon, a detective working for the corrupted Gotham City, which in this time Bruce Wayne is still young. This story plot is fairly new because of its story. The story builds up to the origins of the villains and hero.
In 2014, Gotham won “Critics Choice Television Awards”, and has been nominated for several more awards following its release. It has an original concept to its story, it drops hits and further foreshadows the villains. Gotham has an enjoyable cast, that you will even start to like the villains more than the actual hero. The actors effectively fit into the their role, particularly Robin Taylor as a younger penguin and Camren Bicondova playing a young cat woman. Both actor realistically fit their roles, Robin captures both the looks and the behavior of penguin. Camren also expresses the cat-like behaviors that cat woman would clearly need.
Gotham would be compared to other superhero televisions like,“Flash” or “Arrow”, as both revolve around the story plot from comics. Gotham is an incredibly shows dues it talented cast and script. Also due to their multiple storyline ideas, ultimately, a television show worth watching.n