Holiday Plans

Winter season is here, Winter Break is around the corner, and families are planning to celebrate. No matter where you celebrate it or with whom Christmas should always be special and filled with memories to cherish for a lifetime. Here at APB everyone is looking forward to Winter Break not only because we have time of school but because we get to celebrate Christmas and New Years with our loved ones. Whenever Holiday season arrives people have many different traditions and ways to celebrate it. To some people the Holidays mean everything to them on the other hand other do not really care about.“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ” -Norman Vincent Peale Christmas is not only about giving presents or receiving them it is about enjoying on another company and feel love towards everyone.
Many people have their own perspective on what Christmas spirit is to them.”Getting together and making Christmas enjoyable is what Christmas spirit is to me” said Jocelyn Aceves. She believes that Christmas is about being joyful. Javier Hidalgo (Senior at APB) had a similar idea of having Christmas spirit. “Christmas spirit to me is just spending time with family and the ones you love having a good time is a must”, said Javier. ERWC/Drama teacher Ms. Robson believes that wreath making and having a decorated house with Christmas items is necessary to having Christmas spirit. Ms.Robson goes on to say how her mothers house is decorated with things such a snowmen and Santas.
Whenever a special day comes people celebrate it with food that is special to them. Everyone is looking forward to eating a variety of food on Christmas day. During our interview when we asked “What do you usually eat on Christmas”? Jocelyn Aceves said, “What my family usually makes to eat is tamales, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and birria. For dessert, we usually have cheesecake, several pies, and bunuelos”. Later answering the same question Javier Hidalgo says,” We always have tamales and my aunt makes posole. Other family members usually bring a variety of different types of foods like barbecue ribs and they even bring pie”. Also Ms.Robson said usually we have pancakes for breakfast and for dinner my mom will have lobster and pasta”.
Although sometimes we might not always be close to our family members we travel to be with them because we want our Christmas/New Years to be special and memorable. When asked by Armando , “Do you plan on leaving town for Winter break?” Jocelyn Aceves replied with, “I am planning to spend my Winter Break at Bakersfield with the rest of my family” This shows that no matter what family should always come first when we think of the Holidays. On the other do not plan on leaving because they are already with their family. Javier Hidalgo does not plan on leaving town for Winter Break, but he plans to spend time with his family and friends at home. Lastly Ms.Robson said, “Yes I’m driving to the Bay Area in San Francisco on Saturday”.
Therefore when Christmas and other Holidays are near everyone has their way of spending it and they all enjoy it just as equally. Personally I love Christmas because I give gifts, receive them and because I just get this feeling that everything is ok with the world.