Eating fast food as a high school student doesn’t benefit your learning, your mental health and your physical health because of the risks that fatty foods have that can make you depressed and have headaches and can have negative affects in your health. Research from Samuel I. Fink on The Link Between Chronic Headaches and Diet tells us that “Many processed foods contain high levels of sodium, nitrates, and other additives that commonly trigger headaches in sensitive individuals. These additives are often found in convenience foods like frozen dinners, canned soups, and fast food” (Samuel I. Fink).When we are in a class setting and we are trying to learn, having a headache would distract us from our learning and would make us high school students definitely feel discouraged to do any work because we are feeling unwell. It could also result in students being sent home early because they are having a hard time dealing with their headache in school.
According to a different research from Healthline, “Eating fast food and processed food may increase your risk for depression”(Healthline). High School can already be too much sometimes and can cause some of my peers to be depressed and not excited to be in school. So increasing your risk for depression by eating fast food can most definitely make you discouraged of learning in school. But it is even worse for people who are already depressed who eat fast food because of their depression having a greater negative effect on them and possibly having the feeling of not caring about their future in learning. If you eat processed food and fast foods you won’t feel as productive and energetic and not want to put any effort in your studies.
Fast food consumption significantly increases the risk of health conditions. This is because of all the fried foods that have trans fats. Trans fats are well known to raise cholesterol levels and also because of sodium that goes into your body from fast food it raises your blood pressure and more research from Healthline tells us that “Elevated cholesterol and increased blood pressure are two of the top risk factors for heart diseases and strokes”(healthline). This is a scary subject that can happen to any of us down the line. If we are starting this habit early then we have an even greater risk of having a stroke or a heart attack.
As high school students we are learning and we are still growing as people. We are also developing our bodies and we need to make the right decisions to get ourselves on track to live a long fulfilling life. To do this we have to let go of the junk food and fast food because it affects our learning and our lifestyle. At Least trying to limit how much fast food we eat can make a difference. Make a difference in your life and change for the better.