This is a big push on the US government trying to deport the many immigrants that are here in the states. With almost or over 4 million immigrants living in LA the push back against the ICE raids have been big.
One other major way the people or in this case kids or youth have protested is to do a school walk out. Many schooled from the downtown area and all over south central there was a massive walk out of students. This was all in protest of the ICE raids. In our school of Animo Pat Brown a good group participated in the walk out. It all happened during lunch on Friday .
A senior, who wished to remain anonymous, was one of the first to walk out.
They stated, “Representing and standing for what I believe is right. Being the voice for those that can’t show their voice due to fear. The student added, “To fight for the rights and privileges that Latinos deserve, not this systemic racism that is trying to kick us out for just being where we are from and even when we help out so much in agriculture.”
Big Latino communities and other people coming together to protest the raids. One other way that the communities have tried to get the attention of people and media was by taking the streets, in this case the freeway. Thousands of people came together to block the 405 freeway to protest.
The student also mentioned , “When you walked out did you feel a sense of community and pride for your culture and who you are?”. “ I did it because I got to be the person that spoke for my parents. I got to use my voice for them and show that they need us here. The US would be nothing without most Hispanics.”
The demonstrations just showed that when the protest happened on the freeway the support and camaraderie was immense. To have thousands of people fighting and representing one another.
“They shared how they believes the walks out have caused an important impact, “it showed how coming together can bring a change. It showed that we understand the value and the representation we did for our people in the walk out. To show who we are as the next generations that are coming and are here.”
This is showing what lengths and willing to go and protests the deportations happening. To show really the value and voice that Latino people have and show pride in that. What is currently happening in our country is sad, but this will just be another show and message that we matter and are here and strong and that we are a part of the U.S.