Did Shakira Just End Pique’s Career?

BZRP Music Sessions #53 was released on January 11th, 2023 on Bizarrap youtube channel. It got more than 60 million views in 24 hours. Shakira calls out Pique, his cheating and his new girlfriend.
Shakira is one of the most famous singers in the world today and Pique is one of the most successful football players of his generation. They met on the set of a music video. The two of them were together for more than eleven years and had two kids together. Shakira even said that she left her own career to take the backseat in order to support her partner’s sports career.
Last year, the two of them went through a bitter separation after Shakira discovered that Pique had been cheating on her for the past few years. Pique was even bringing other women back to the home that Shakira brought and letting those women wear Shakira’s clothes. Shakira was determined to let the whole world know what Pique did to her.
Shakira allegedly found out she was being cheated on due to a jar of jam. While they were married and living in the same house, she says that her favorite jam started disappearing. The jam disappearing seemed very suspicious to her because both Pique and her kids do not like jam. She was very right to be suspicious because Pique was having an affair behind her back which put an end to their relationship.
Clara Chia, Pique’s new girlfriend reportedly works for the former’s footballer’s television production company Kosmos. On January 26, Pique posted a picture of him and Clara together with no caption. Some of the comments are showing love to this couple while others commented lyrics from Shakira’s song.
Shakira shades his new girlfriend by saying “She’s got the name of a good person, clearly (clara-mente in Spanish) it’s not how it sounds.” She also says Pique’s name by saying, “I only make music, sorry if it splashes (sal-pique in Spanish) you.”
She also says “I’m worth two 22-year-olds,” in which Pique dedicated his goals to Shakira by putting two peace signs crossing each other. They both also have the same birthday February 2, 1977 and February 2, 1987. She also says, “You traded in a Rolex for a Casio.” She is saying Pique had a severe downgrade trading in a Rolex (Shakira) for a Casio watch (Clara) . Everyone knows Rolex is one of the most luxurious watch brands today and Casio is a much cheaper watch brand. She is calling her ex and his new girlfriend cheap.
Pique actually has his own soccer league. In a press conference, he revealed that Casio will be the official sponsor of his league. Even Casio responded to Shakira’s song by posting a picture of Shakira wearing a Casio watch on Twitter. One of his friends at the press conference asked, “Did you only get the sponsorship because of the Shakira song?” But Casio made a public statement saying there is no sponsorship and are apparently suing him for lying about it.
Many of Pique’s fans are mocking Shakira for her song and saying that her attempt to call him out totally backfired. A student at Animo Pat Brown says, “I think that Shakira is acting immature for dropping a diss track and Pique is the goat for getting sponsored by Cassio. None are in the right because they are both adults and not little kids, but I am on Pique’s side because he was in Barcelona.”
Another student says “I don’t think Pique is in the right to cheat but her doing the song is kind of odd but I feel like she did it so it can “justify” what he did, but I’m on pique’s side because I love Pique but they’re both in the wrong cause it doesn’t just mess them up but their kids. I feel like the song just pushes the situation more because they had settled it with the divorce but now everyone is “reporting on it” and it messes up his reputation and their kids get involved.”
At the moment, Shakira and Pique are keeping quiet. They have both hired a team of lawyers to work on custody. Shakira wants to move to Miami with her kids and start a new life. Meanwhile, Pique wants his children to stay in Barcelona and continue their education. They’re preparing for a tough battle.
taquavion • Feb 17, 2023 at 1:54 PM