Low Test Scores… Whose Fault is it Really??

Low Test Scores... Whose Fault is it Really??

All schools have a certain budget to spend on the school they run, they can either spend it on the quality or quantity of teachers. It is better to have a quality in a teacher over the quantity of teachers that are part of the school. This is a major problem seen in most public schools around the world today. There are schools that have many teachers, just to be able to have a steady classroom with students attending, while private schools rather have teachers with quality. Even though there are schools with more quantity of teachers, they might not have qualities a student needs to become successful in their educational life.

It’s been said that while paying teachers well is only a part of the equation in getting a better education, higher salaries can help school systems to attract the best teachers for the job. Some people may argue that an increase in teacher salary won’t change the teachers performance. When we asked a  fellow Senior, Daisy Cuevas, for her opinion on whether teacher salary affects in any way how they teach, she claimed that “some teachers don’t care about their salary, they still teach what they have to.” When we asked her about the effect that teachers salary had on test scores she responded saying,”Yes, perhaps, teachers will know they get paid more, therefore, teach more, so they’ll get into the lesson and teach what has to be taught, and students will know what they need to learn and not be surprised at questions they see on test.” We agree with her because if they aren’t doing their  job then there is no point in them having the job they have currently. Not only would we agree with her, but so would other students.

When we asked Senior Maribel Morales the first question we asked Daisy Cuevas, she responded with “no because If they enjoy teaching, they would do it no matter what thier salary is.” We agree with her because teachers should be focused on getting things done and helping their students out to achieve their goals’ in life. When we asked her about her opinion on the effect that teachers salary had on test scores she responded saying,”In a way it will, teachers know that they will be payed well.” Even though they know that they get payed more they shouldn’t care about the amount that they are getting payed because they should still be doing their job no matter the salary. We think that the teachers should adapt their lessons to the students way of learning because that will help them to get better results when it comes to test scores and passing rates.

That was only students point of view, when we asked fellow 11th Grade English Teacher Ms. Bruski the question of whether teacher salary affects in any way how they teach, she responded, “Teachers are not in this profession for the money, but I do think that higher salary could incentive teachers to work even harder” If this is coming from a teacher it must be true right I don’t think so because not all teachers think the same way. This is why we asked another teacher named Mr. Botello,who is a former art teacher for all grade levels, the same question he responded with,”personally no matter how much I get payed I always try to do my best.” We think that all teachers should be doing their best to make the class the best that a student has ever had.

As we have interviewed the following people for their opinions of whose fault it is on students getting low test scores, we may conclude that, it is in fact, the students fault for getting low test scores. Low test scores reflect on the students performance to strive for passing their classes, clearly not the teachers fault. Looking deeper into this topic, we cannot be for sure that in our school, Animo Pat Brown, has the same quality of teachers as in other schools. This is a concern most students in our country should be looking further deep into so they can see how they can make a difference in their school for their own benifit.