By: Paola Rodriguez, Karen Placencia and Jasmine Minjarez
Currently APB has four electives: Art, Drama, Journalism and P.E., that’s about it. They’re all very distinct classes with various different expectations and curriculum.
For example, art seems to be a more lenient class. The first semester is much different than one would expect an art class to be. Instead of paints and oil pastels it’s more writing and learning about artists and the various types of styles. Second semester, however, fits the art class expectations much more as its more hands on. You get to create your own art using a specific art style, then created a piece using the idea.
Drama is much more interactive as you get to know one another. It starts off with icebreakers, improv, and acting styles. Later on in the school year students begin to perform themselves, then evolving into group performances. Students even get to create their own script, then when performing them they use both props and costumes.
Journalism is the foundation for the APBs school newspaper, The Gryphon Gazette. In journalism students get write stories that fall under the five categories: Feature, Student Life, Opinion, Sports and Entertainment. The class consist of students going out and creating their own stories that are relevant to the students of APB. It’s a full process, one story a week, get them edited by your editor and post them up on the Gryphon Gazette.
In P.E. it’s the basics: mile runs and a different sport everyday to keep students active. It’s about keeping up with the class and staying active throughout it. Because Physical Education is not an A-G courses it is not a requirement.
An elective we should have in APB is Driver’s Ed since in high school is when teenagers started to drive or are getting their license. We do have driver’s ed, but its an after school program. The problem with it is that many people do not have the time to stay after school since the classes are long.
Another elective we should have is CPR Training. I feel like there is a lot to learn about how we can help in an emergency. Especially since APB does not have a nurse anyone should be able to help right away. We are a small school but accidents do happen.
An elective that a lot of people will like would be Home management/Home economics (cooking, sewing, etc.). It will be great for seniors, since a lot of students are moving to go to college and will have to live by themselves or with a partner. They have to learn to be independent on themselves since they don’t have their parents to rely on. This elective will teach the basic of how to maintain a home.
Nowaday, everyone loves to take pictures to have good memories. So an elective that students will like to have in APB is Photography. Students will just take pictures of all the good days that happen in school to remember the good memories. Some students even like photography so it will be an elective that they would appreciate.
Another elective that I feel APB students would enjoy is Poetry class. APB has many creative students who I feel would love to express themselves through poetry. Of course in this class they’d learn about the different types of poems and really try to understand many well known pieces.
Having many electives to choose from would be great, however we’ve come to the conclusion that APB does not have enough funds to provide the necessary supplies for many of these electives.We are a small school, so many of these classes would not get filled sufficiently for the class to continue.