Student Council

Student Council is a group of student leaders who work together and collaborate with others to impact the school community, here at Animo Pat Brown we have a group of students who are in the student council. They take charge of school events like dances and blood drives. The Student Council makes sure that our senior year is full of enjoyment and prepares for upcoming events. This elective shows students how to be responsible and be more social with others. 


In order for these events to happen the Student Council prepares themselves ahead of time. Daniel Villa, Student Council president has said “First we have to do an event form and get approval from admin and teacher leaders. After that we plan out a schedule and how we are going to promote it. And then we make posters, instagram posts, google slides to spread the word.” Although throughout the events students have their obstacles they face, Student Council still manages to plan ideas and finalize them that can be beneficial and entertaining. 


     Moving forward we interviewed Itzel Vera with these questions, “What are some obstacles you have faced on the day of an event? And how did you overcome them?” Itzel Vera 12th grade student stated, “Our first dance which was the back to school dance, it was a lot of responsibility especially when you are on your shift, but the way we overcome our problems is when we make a meeting and talk about our experience”. 


What are some upcoming events? According to Mariana Lezema some upcoming events are a Grupo Dance, Prom for seniors, Valentine’s Grams, Spirit Week and Black History Month Lesson.