Black Dirty Water in Your Neighborhood
Water is an essential part of life. We use water for almost everything such as cooking, cleaning, bathing, and for the toilet. What happens when your water supply turns out looking like this image? Is it safe? According to people living in California the water “smells disgusting” and it “has gunk in it”. “ My water isn’t like this, but if it was I wouldn’t think it would be safe to drink because of how nasty it looks” said a senior here at
APB, “ the water company should do something about this water because people need their water”. KTLA 5 news says “According to Golden State Water Company the incident in question was the result of a reporting violation and was in no way connected to water quality.” KTLA 5 quotes the water company providing the discolored water saying “‘all reports indicate that the water currently being provided to customers is clear”’(click here to see more). Does this water look clear to anyone?? The water company ,Utility, says the water should be safe to drink. Hopefully, they fix this problem soon because showering in this water would be worse than not showering at all.