Honors English has been brought back to the tenth graders, in English teacher Brain Reed’s second period class.
Principal Josh Hartford said we decided not to have it in 2010 because of changes with new teachers but we brought it back when everything was ready.
“Honors English requires more work than regular English,” tenth grade honor student Deyna Rossell said. “We are expected to have a higher vocabulary and turn in late work on our own.
“I’m excited, not nervous because I’m good in English,” Deyna Rossell said.
Tenth grade honor student Crystal Simpson said, I felt intimidated at first because there is a lot of homework to be done and guide and study is required.
Being in honors can be a choice though many are told that they should take it,”My teacher said I had to be in honors” tenth grade honor student, Steven Martinez said.
The purpose for honors tenth English is to prepare you for Advanced Placement English in the 12th grade.
“I expect in AP English to throw college-level work at you,” AP English teacher Lauren Freeman said.
AP English is an advance class that needs preparation done starting from the tenth grade, Freeman said
There are many different things that the honors class are doing that the regular tenth grade English class are not doing.
“We go faster,” Reed said. “More reading, more writing and we focus on really strong critical thinking.”
Hartford said, i think they are smart enough for this Honors English class but it is really up to them to decide if there ready for this class.