This dark horror movie reveals the dark past of the family in a series of plot twists.

By Maricela Ramirez
“The Whole Truth,” a creepy Thai movie, tells us about an ordinary looking family. Kids going to school and mom at work. That is until tragedy happens where mom, Mai, gets into a car crash resulting in a coma. Without a mother at home anymore Pim and Putt, her two children, are forced to stay with their grandparents who they have never even met before. While there, they discover a hole which shows them the brutal past and what this family has been hiding for years.
Being a big fan of horror, I was excited to see something that had just come out. I hoped that it would be different from anything else I had seen.
The beginning of the movie started off a little bit slow I’d say. It is not until the big tragedy that happens to the mother Mai which really gets the movie started. From then on I was full of suspenseful questions.
The two children had to go with their grandparents but it was really weird because they had never met. I questioned whether they were actually who they said they were. I liked the idea of not knowing what to expect, it made the movie more enjoyable to watch.
Throughout the movie there were a bunch of intense scenes. The hole that Pim and Putt discovered showed them some unexplained things. Each time they looked in they saw a little girl which seemed to be a ghost. Even though what they saw made them sick, the temptations was still present.
The middle of the movie was a bit repetitive, with much of the scenes focusing on the hole and the two kids. At the end is where the truth unfolds and some plot twists start to happen.
One of the biggest moments is when Mai finally wakes up and she goes to her kids. A lot is revealed when she gets to the grandparents house and everyone is shocked at what really happened years ago in that house.
I liked finally being able to see the truth about the hole and the girl in the hole. The things that were revealed in the end were kind of expected but were still somewhat of a shocker.
Overall the movie did a great job as in the production and plot. There were parts that I did predict were to happen but others where I did not. There were great elements which I would say are worth the watch.