Students fear the awkwardness of asking any staff or teacher for female necessities. As females ourselves, we struggle with the worry of staining ourselves due to there not being any pads or tampons nearby. Females at APB have more to worry about than there being no pads or tampons nearby, they worry about not being able to take the stains out of the khaki pants and having to buy new ones.
Assistant Principal, Ms. Brown had similar thoughts about female students getting their periods during school and not having nearby access to pads or tampons. She says, “ Teachers maybe haven’t been thinking about pads or tampons. Students can pick them up from the office we purposely put them there, we purchase them for students. It just comes from students, coming to the office to ask for them.”
APB senior Erika Aguilar feels uncomfortable asking about pads. “They do offer pads in the office but it’s embarrassing, and since it’s a small school some of the students are rude and it’s a way a for people to know you’re on your period.”
She prefers to not tell anyone about her being on her period because she believes that it is a way for people to use periods as an excuse for how a girl is feeling. “It affects a lot of thing during the day. Let’s say I get mad, they’ll be like “oh she’s mad cause shes on her period’ its kinda annoying”
Menstrual period have become a problem to most students not only because of there being no local pads or tampons around but also because of the color of the pants. It is not easy taking off stain at times. Most students find themselves having to buy themselves new pants for school because they cannot take out the stain.
Ms. Brown states “The female staffs sympathize for us girls because they understand what we have to struggle with during school.” She believes that it is important to be cautious when you on your period and she will try her best to make a change with having pads accessible to all girls.