Gryphon Gazette

The student news site of Animo Pat Brown Charter High School

The student news site of Animo Pat Brown Charter High School

Gryphon Gazette

The student news site of Animo Pat Brown Charter High School

Gryphon Gazette

Your blood times two

Deyna Rossell, Editor in Chief June 5, 2013

Your blood donation can save two other individuals lives. The third annual blood drive for Children’s Hospital in L.A. could not be more happy with the donations that Ánimo Pat Brown students and administrators...

BBC America is the main station that hosts British TV shows in America. If the channel is not available for any reason, they post most of their shows on their main website and Netflix.

The British invasion happens to the United States, again

Xzavyer Shoats, News Editor June 5, 2013

The internet has liberated society from their televisions. Thanks to an increasing popularity in digital media like Netflix, people can watch any show they want. This method has lead to an increase in...

APB rocks out

APB rocks out

Zitlally Martinez and Areli Zepeda June 5, 2013

At ÁPB there are many students who have different taste on genre’s in music but yet many agree on the same likes of genre’s. Survey taken by ÁPB students of different grade levels showed that some...

SRLA students gather together for a last picture before the 5K race.

While SRLA seniors run thier 5K Ceremonial Graduation Race a tragedy occurs in the Boston Marathon

Elaine Rodriguez and Yesenia Nevarez June 1, 2013

This is bananas, marathon runners run an extra 5K race as an SRLA senior graduation ceremony! Some of the SRLA students that ran the marathon continued to run in a group for the senior graduation ceremony...

Junk Food Hypocrisy at your School

Yesenia Nevarez and Elaine Rodriguez June 1, 2013

Every day students rush to the lunch line while others stand by in disgust and head towards the vending machines  for “better” food. They either don’t like the lunch food at all or they prefer...

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