“I want to give a shout out to Sergio who I love the most and will miss the most. I miss all those times we played basketball. Good luck in life,” said senior David Diaz.
“This is to my homie Miguel, 4 years of a true brother bond” said senior Johnathan Perez. “To the homie Johnnie for the adventures we’ve been through and never been caught” said senior Miguel Sanchez.
“Good luck in life, I wish you the very best. I’ll miss those days in Spanish class with Mr. Rico” said junior Julieta Villalobos
“I want to give a shout out to Kranxz. I’m going to miss being with you in school. We’ve been through a lot and at the end of the day we always laugh about what we do. I consider you a very good friend” said junior Armando Gutierrez.
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