By Raymond Soto and Jefferson Villanueva

After the vaccine was approved by the CDC, people have been getting vaccinated and trying to go back to doing normal things like going to sports events just like before the pandemic.
Having the covid-19 vaccine is a great choice to be able to go to the sports events but it is not completely safe. Someone with covid might be there and people that don’t use face masks could attend as well. The biggest problem is that if you were to take the covid with you home, that can infect your family and friends.
People should always be safe when attending public gatherings, in this case sporting events. Some safety precautions they should take are to keep face masks on, keep a bottle of hand sanitizer with you, keep a 6 feet distance from others and look at your surroundings to see if anyone is not following the guidelines.
Being vaccinated is the top priority to being able to attend sporting events and going back to school as well. Some stadiums/clubs are asking for fans to be vaccinated before entering the stadium which is very helpful towards the reopening of the state.
The Banc of California stadium, home of LAFC, is requiring it’s attendees to wear a mask and be vaccinated and has had a station where you could get vaccinated as well. Also there is a seating zone in the stadium for fully vaccinated fans and or at least those whose test came out negative in the past 24 hours.
Barclays Center, home of the Nets, is letting fans go only with the vaccine on and face mask on, as well as the other safety precautions that people should follow.
There is a major difference in dangers between going with the vaccine and without the vaccine to the sports events. If you were vaccinated the only dangers will be if people don’t follow the guidelines, if you are not vaccinated you have a greater chance of getting covid and give it to others as well.
If you were to go to the game unvaccinated and in that period of time where you went to get tested you suddenly become sick after taking the test you would probably infect other people.
Going with kids is a big risk and it is not safe to go with them, even if you follow all the guidelines. Mainly because kids under 12 can’t be vaccinated yet and second.
During the sports events, the guidelines people have to follow are crucial to staying safe, no matter what, always keep your face mask on because it reduces the risk of getting covid or giving it. Keep your distance from others, the further you are from people, the smaller the risk of spreading out covid.
“What I think of people going to sporting events vaccinated is that it is something great because getting the vaccine is really important and sports fans that like going to the events will be motivated to get the vaccine to attend the event,” soccer fan Erick Etrada said.
Erick also talked about his perspective on the safety side. “It may not be the safest thing to do because at the end of the day there’s people that don’t follow simple guidelines and that can affect us sports fans,” soccer fan Estrada said.
According to CDC, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is only given one time and it is given in the arm, this vaccine is only available for people that are 18 and older. The Pfizer vaccine is given twice, after the first shot you take the second one 3 weeks after, it is also given in the arm and it is available for kids that are 12 and older.
Now you may ask, would it be completely safe for me to go without a face mask and not keep my distance since I have the vaccine? The answer is no. Always, no matter what, you have to be cautious and safe. Keep your face mask on and distance between the people surrounding you.