As of this year, we the team of this of Animo pat brown Gryphon Gazette, are saying good bye to all of the readers who viewed our articles and commented on our work. The team worked hard and we had fun while we were the staff at the time. To the new staff of next year we give you this. Good luck while working on the computers, try not to argue about any thing, cooperate with each other, stay on task. For the new leader that will take my place, my words are, don’t be so harsh on your peers, watch over them from time to time, keep your peers on task and try not to cause any conflict with other people. Every one in the staff and next year of APB Gryphon Gazette, lets have a good next year of school.
The Year of 2014-2015-We say “Good Bye and Welcome new staff of 2015-16”
June 4, 2015
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