The horror movie “Smile” was created in 2022. This film begins with a woman who recently overdosed, and her young daughter (Rose) enters the room and witnesses her mother’s body laid among the mess. After that Rose, who is the daughter, goes about her day at work. There she deals with a manic patient that ends up killing herself by slitting her throat in front of Rose while smiling. After witnessing this Rose begins to experience frightening occurrences that she can’t explain. Due to this, the patient had transferred the curse onto Rose. This causes those around her to believe that she is unhinged and possibly dangerous because they don’t believe her. They don’t listen to her thinking that she is crazy. Rose then finds out by her ex boyfriend Joel who is a police detective that there have been several cases of people having suicided in front of someone else. Therefore she then knows this has been an ongoing curse that the entity feeds on trauma. But now she’s running out of time because the only way to escape it is to kill someone in front of a witness to traumatize them. In the end Rose returns to her childhood home and there she gets fully possessed by the demon so she sets herself on fire. But Joel bursts into the house while this occurred leading him to become the next victim.
This film has one of the best acting which is not frankly common when it comes to horror movies. It is very well directed and the atmosphere is really eerie. The actions this movie takes is probably one of the scariest things I’ve seen so far. For example, near the end of the movie when Rose goes to seclude herself in her childhood home, there the entity rips off their skin in front of Rose. Then stretches out Rose’s mouth and crawls inside her. Which is one of the most least appealing events I’ve ever seen happen in a movie. Another good point in this movie is about how this demon gets spread throughout different people before attaching itself to Rose, who is the main character. This makes this movie different from other horror movies because other horror movies usually only have a small group of characters playing the role in the movie which sometimes gets boring. But in this case we have a demon that gets passed onto twenty other people before getting to Rose therefore it leaves us with the enthusiasm of what will happen to Rose. Some bad points that occurred in this movie was in the end when Rose got the entity inside of her and died because she was only able to overpower the entity once. Throughout the whole movie I was hoping Rose didn’t get the demon inside of her and hoping she was going to defeat it, but I was wrong.
Overall my opinion upon this horror movie is a 11/10 recommendation if you love scary movies because this movie will definitely give you fear, jump scares, graphic events all in one. I have seen plenty of horror movies but this one has a different feel to it. It is chilling as soon as the movie begins, leading you to close your eyes in some of the parts of the movie. You also get very locked into the movie that it will go by very quickly. Not only that but it will leave you wanting to know about the next upcoming SMILE 2 which will be released on October 18, 2024.