Everyone deserves recognition for who they are
Katya Valdez and Jennifer Martinez, Project editor
June 7, 2013
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EditorialTime for a Turf Tune-Up: Why Our High School Soccer Field Needs a New Surface
EditorialSchool lunch lines should be fixed!
EditorialIs Tik Tok affecting the students at Animo Pat Brown?
EditorialStudents should be going to Arc!
EditorialAPB Should not do a Testing Day Again
EditorialWhy hasn't the Government Stepped in for Ecuador?
EditorialShould we get Rid of Day Light Savings?
EditorialJordan Peele
EditorialUnited States fends Ukraine from Putin
Editorial"The Knight Before Christmas" - 90 minutes I’ll Never Get Back
Journalism 2012-13Flash Game review
Journalism 2012-13Teen Pregnancy: Our Stories
Journalism 2012-13Holiday Plans
Journalism 2012-13Four Movies To Watch For Halloween
Journalism 2012-13Students have diverse opinions about high school.
Journalism 2012-13Movies for Summer 2013
Journalism 2012-13Your blood times two
Journalism 2012-13The British invasion happens to the United States, again
Journalism 2012-13Gryphons send shoutouts to the class of 2013
Journalism 2012-13APB rocks out
Journalism 2013-14APB SAT Prep: Preparing Students For Failure?
Journalism 2013-14Columbus day or Indigenous people day?
Journalism 2013-14Halloween History
Journalism 2013-14Bullies are Cowards, The Results of It
Journalism 2013-14LAUSD Negligence
Journalism 2013-14Should people be allowed to own guns?
Journalism 2013-14Motherload of an Illegal Fireworks bust!!
Journalism 2013-14Common Core Tests, Banned?!?
Journalism 2013-14Season 2 El Señor de los Cielos
Journalism 2013-14San Francisco Accused Bomber
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