Everyone deserves recognition for who they are
Katya Valdez and Jennifer Martinez, Project editor
June 7, 2013
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EditorialFast food affects the youth
EditorialTime for a Turf Tune-Up: Why Our High School Soccer Field Needs a New Surface
EditorialSchool lunch lines should be fixed!
EditorialIs Tik Tok affecting the students at Animo Pat Brown?
EditorialStudents should be going to Arc!
EditorialAPB Should not do a Testing Day Again
EditorialWhy hasn't the Government Stepped in for Ecuador?
EditorialShould we get Rid of Day Light Savings?
EditorialJordan Peele
EditorialUnited States fends Ukraine from Putin
Journalism 2012-13Flash Game review
Journalism 2012-13Teen Pregnancy: Our Stories
Journalism 2012-13Holiday Plans
Journalism 2012-13Four Movies To Watch For Halloween
Journalism 2012-13Students have diverse opinions about high school.
Journalism 2012-13Movies for Summer 2013
Journalism 2012-13Your blood times two
Journalism 2012-13The British invasion happens to the United States, again
Journalism 2012-13Gryphons send shoutouts to the class of 2013
Journalism 2012-13APB rocks out
Journalism 2013-14APB SAT Prep: Preparing Students For Failure?
Journalism 2013-14Columbus day or Indigenous people day?
Journalism 2013-14Halloween History
Journalism 2013-14Bullies are Cowards, The Results of It
Journalism 2013-14LAUSD Negligence
Journalism 2013-14Should people be allowed to own guns?
Journalism 2013-14Motherload of an Illegal Fireworks bust!!
Journalism 2013-14Common Core Tests, Banned?!?
Journalism 2013-14Season 2 El Señor de los Cielos
Journalism 2013-14San Francisco Accused Bomber
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